The Impact of Outsourcing on Marginal Field Project Delivery in Nigeria

The oil and gas industry in Nigeria is undergoing rapid change and explosive growth, especially for marginal oil fields. Marginal oil fields operators are indigenous companies with limited profitability and some operators embrace outsourcing in their operations. Furthermore, outsourcing is a process in which a company contract with another company to…

works by Humphrey

Marginal oil field operators have been bedeviled by several challenges since its inception, among which are financial, technological, socio-political, ecological, and environmental issues. The study examined how marginal oil fields operating in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria could integrate and incorporate environmental accounting for managing the environment.

Corporate social responsibility has become a business imperative as organization deliberately and strategically include public interest on corporate decision in an attempt to satisfy the demand of sustainable development. Balancing short term sight and long term perspective against triple bottom requirements in the face of rapidly changing social e….

Humphrey Oruwari O.